Fowler Anti-Balance Plough
The model is based on the original Fowler Drawing No's 57082, 56628, 49119, 53598 being a Fowler bevel frame, anti-balance plough, designed for English topsoil work.
It can be fitted with 5 furrows at 14-3/8in width or 6 at 12in width. The frame also has an extension to allow an additional furrow to allow 6 at 14-3/8in or 7 at 12in. Wooden model is 7 furrows.
Ploughing with steam engines usually required two engines one each side of a field, pulling a plough between them with a steel cable.
Each engine pulls the plough in turn before moving forward, ready for the next pull. Ploughing requires a minimum of four operators, two on the plough, one on each engine.